
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Grace of God to Paradise of God Genesis 5

Are we able to forbade the ritual of death and go straight to the paradise of God? A series that I am particular interested in is Genesis 5, I believe there is a lot to understand in relations to the lives of the first patriarchs of God. Therefore, I am hoping to emerge both the findings of Genesis 5-Paradise of God with the series of the Holy Spirit. I believe that beneath the text and letters of these scriptures lies a door, that is waiting for us to enter. My goal is that we walk through that door together, by pass death and transform in the Garden and Paradise of God. This should be an interesting journey. Get your journals out, because this will be worth noting.

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Holy Series: Do we understand the concept of being Holy

What does the word Holy means? A new series coming here at the Arrow Biblical Center-Seattle

Why Is Truth A Foreign Language?

As soon as God answered our prayers, we lose track of truth. We're back to the road of a lesser path, because our prayers are not really done in honesty. Does our prayers consist of following the will of God or following our own will?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Holy Spirit: How Much Do We Know?

I am going to leave this as an open ended question. It will be interesting to see the responses and teachings or references in relating to this subject. Please feel free to share.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Hello: Long Term Project

Hi,  I am happy to present this new Blog: Directional> Arrow Biblical Center: Seattle, which is a project I selected for my class assignment. This will be a work in progress and right now, I am in the exploration phase! Please keep me in your prayers as I go and journey through this new opportunity, that has been given to me as a "gift from God."

Blessings to all  and your prayers are needed.
